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На обложке журнала впервые появился человек нейтрального пола (ФОТО)

У модели нет пола, он себя позиционирует, как «оно»

21 февраля 2018, 16:03
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На обложке журнала впервые появился человек нейтрального пола (ФОТО)

Обложку журнала впервые в истории украсила модель нейтрального пола Райан Дав. Фото модели решило разместить издание Diva. Модель считает гендер социальным конструктором и предпочитает, чтоб в его отношении использовали местоимение "оно".

Также модель ранее принимал участие в съемках для других изданий, среди которых Vogue, Elle и Cosmopolitan. Модель позировала в белье как для женщин, так и для мужчин.

"Я польщено и надеюсь, что на обложках журналов появятся еще больше самых разных личностей. Я всегда знало то, что знаю о себе сейчас, просто не могло выразить словами. Я- это просто я", — отмечает модель.

WOW! We just made history apparently! First time ever that a person has been in the cover of a "Men’s" magazine and a "Women’s" magazine at the same time! @divamagazine and @gaytimesmag worked together to release a cover that featured the same human on the front as a supportive statement about nonbinary, nonconforming, genderfluid, gender queer and more type individuals. As someone who identifies as I am I- no labels- I’m so damned excited about this! It feels like for the first time in a while in the industry it is becoming understood that we are more than our bodies. We are an experience. An awareness. And we are infinite. Let’s continue to live our truths. Let us labels ourselves as we see fit or not label ourselves at all. As long as our labels don’t become limitations- we can be truly free. Don’t be a shackled by language. If you ever feel alone- if you ever feel unloved I want you to know I love you. I’m here for you. And you’re not alone, you’re in my dimension. Xx #GenderCapitalist #DivaMagazine #GayTimes #lgbtq #lovewins #GenderIsTheMatrix #BeingHonestWithYourselfIsBeingYourself #frolic #lgbthistorymonth 📸 @evazar GT

Публикация от Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) Фев 20, 2018 в 9:11 PST

“Men’s" vs "Women’s" haircuts have drastically different costs. I interviewed, visited and surveyed over 200 gender specific hair salons and barbershops in LA/NYC/London to ask the pricing of the SAME type of hair cut. Long on top- buzzed sides. Despite the cut being exactly the same- the prices were different at "men’s" vs "women’s" establishments. "Women’s" salons tended to actually charge 1.7x MORE than "Men’s". ($15 average for men’s vs $26 average for women’s) After interviewing several stylists and barbers about why this is- here are some of the responses I got. "Men don’t complain about their haircuts as much as women. You’re able to get them done faster. Women tend to nitpick and be perfectionists or even return asking for more cleanup on their cuts. That’s why women pay more." "Women have been brainwashed into seeing hair care as a Luxury experience- but men see it as a basic necessity... like underwear. Men therefore tend to get their haircut more frequently. Whereas women go as a special treat." "Men pay less but that’s because the experience is often less. It’s quicker and rougher. Whereas women are treated softer, sometimes receive shoulder massages, hair washes, and styling after their cut." And one more from a barbershop I once went to in San Diego. "Men charge men less because they know that when the man walks out of the salon or barbershop the world will demand more of them. Because they are men. Getting a break in the price of a haircut is a rare refuge from a world that sees men as needing to always pay more- even if they don’t have it." To break this barrier we simply need to choose the location of our haircut based on the experience we want to have. Not the one society wants to have. To save money on short haircuts likely go to the barbershop. To get pampered likely go to a salon. You might get some looks. But at least you will also be getting equality. (Ps also unisex salons exist!) #NeitherHairNorThere #HairySituations #GenderCapitalism #GenderIsTheMatrix #IamI #genderfluid #lgbtq #transformationtuesday #SheerMadness 📸 photo by @amesbeckerman 👗👔 styling @crazyexgalpal @sierrajiminez

Публикация от Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) Янв 23, 2018 в 11:03 PST

Same person, same color scheme, same day BUT when "societally male/masculine" it took me 35 minutes less to prep than when I became "societally female/feminine". In fact a survey conducted revealed that in many parts of the world the average "masculine" or "male" identifying person will spend a maximum of 30 minutes or less getting ready in the morning. While the average "feminine" or "female" identifying person will spend average 1 hour. That´s a 30 minute difference. And that adds up! That means many societally "femme" people spend 14 hours a month more than "masculine" individuals just prepping. That´s a full long day alive! That´s 168 hours per year. That´s 1680 hours per decade. So that´s 70 FULL 24 hours days per decade spent on getting ready. For many this is worth it. They love the process of getting ready and putting on makeup or doing their hair. They wouldn´t trade it for the world. And that´s ok! The point of life is to live. But for me- I have a lot to do so I often dress and prep more like the person on the left to save time. What could you do with 70 days? #MyBirthCertificateIsntPsychic#PecsTheSizeOfMelons #70daystodosomething #EducateDontHate #lgbtq #saga #piad #genderqueer #genderfluid #genderreveal #genderfree #GenderIsTheMatrix #IamI 📸by @teddywolff for @timeoutnewyork

Публикация от Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) Сен 25, 2017 в 10:08 PDT

Same person but when I am perceived as "male" and am purchasing "skin care" products often I get an odd look, asked if the product is for my GF, or at times in the past I even get laughed at by interested dating prospects. However if I am perceived as "female" salespeople literally will try to shove these products into my hands. Insisting that as a "woman" I need to prevent against the signs of aging. In the fashion world especially I am constantly told to maintain a skin routine because aging = career death. (To be fair I don´t use skin care products- and often AM purchasing them for someone else haha) ------------------------------------- I am so torn on this one as a "Gender Capitalist". It seems either way I´m perceived I lose. On one hand "Women" are told that the natural process of their body changing is ugly and bad. They are charged a ton of money to fight against this via beauty creams and cosmetics. It´s very expensive to be a "female". But yet as a "man"- while I´m told that aging is sexy and I get to have the self confidence- I am ridiculed for nurturing myself. I let my body degrade, skin tear and sag, literally because I am told that to take care of it is for sissies. One sex perception leads to ability to self nurture through diet/routine/intake which can allow for potential better longevity and vitality (cosmetics and creams aside ahem). The other leads to confidence and thousands of dollars in savings. What do you think? #purpletale #5StepsFacial #FACEthetruth #lovetheskinyourein #CaughtInTheMiddle #gendercapitalism #genderfluid #genderdoesntrulyexist #lgbt #qpiadkh #facialwithpurpletale (this shoot was funded by @hellopurpletale. $ is donated to LGBTQ Metropolitan Youth Shelter. Because that´s how we do it!) shot by AJ Mattioli from @wordsthefilm

Публикация от Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) Май 23, 2017 в 9:35 PDT

Same person, same outfit cost and color, same day- different perceived worth. I took to the streets of LA/Seattle and asked people "How much money do you think I have in my bank account right now?" While wearing each outfit. The answers were drastically different. In the collared shirt and pants most people thought I had $10-20,000 in my account. But in the dress they said $1-5000. ---------------------------------- When I asked why people thought I only had $1-5,000 in my account while in a dress the two most common responses were "Well, you´re trans right? So don´t statistics say that trans people are typically poorer?" Or "As a girl you´re not ugly but with your short hair and face you definitely look alternative. I just kinda thought maybe it isn´t easy for someone who looks like you to get a job? Like customer service wise?" ----------------------------------- So to be seen as worth more I´ll wear the look on the left. And work hard to lift up the people who wear the look on the right so maybe the perceptions change. ----------------------------------- #EducateDontHate #MilkMilkLemonade #animalkingdom #gendercapitalism #lgbtq #piadkh #genderreveal #wearenotgender #wearesomethingmorecomplexandnonhomogenous #frolicfrolic 📸@isobellovespink 👗👔@outofthecloset thrift store (donated back at the end of the project)

Публикация от Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) Май 11, 2017 в 8:27 PDT

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